"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." ~ Dorothea Lange

Chloe Accardi is an independent folklorist, documentary artist and ethnographer. Raised in New York's Hudson Valley, she is currently based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, at the Museum of International Folk Art, where she produces media for various exhibitions, and coordinates community engagement for the Gallery of Conscience, which focuses on the intersection of folk art and social justice.

A NYSCA grant recipient, Chloe was a fellow at the Center For Traditional Music and Dance, and has produced media for a range of cultural institutions in the Northeast and New Mexico. She holds an MA in Folklore from the University of North Carolina, and prior to joining the public folklore sector spent five years as Literature Specialist at the National Endowment for the Arts.

About The Other Tiger:

This site takes its name from a Jorge Luis Borges poem of the same title; seeking a tiger in its purest form, uncompromised by art or language. This poem mirrors the challenge of folklorist and documentarian alike, exploring the tension between the real and the represented. Borges' words echo - calling ethnographers in continual pursuit, to seek new modes of presentation, engagement, and community collaboration. 

 The Other Tiger

Contact: chloe.e.accardi@gmail.com